Starts out a bit awkwardly, but builds up nicely
The beginning parts sounded kind of awkward with the sudden pauses - it'd probably sound a bit more natural if you added a bit of echo or reverb so the transition into silence is more gradual (also, those windy synth effects could probably be longer and fade in more gradually to get a more windy feel).
Afterwards when the piece starts going, it starts out a bit on the dull side, but when those nice synths come in around 1:00 and start layering all over one another, it's starts to sound real nice and full. At around, 1:47, I think the drums drop out a bit too suddenly, but it's brief enough to not detract too much. Speaking of the drums, they sounded too loud for my tastes, especially during the lighter sections - I'd turn them down a notch or so, or at least make the bass drum a bit less boomy.
Overall, I think it's pretty interesting piece, but there are parts of it that just feel like they haven't been fleshed out quite enough (ie, most of the parts w/o the ethereal synth thing playing a melody/countermelody). Maybe some more padding here and there might help with that. Anyways, keep at it.